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7725 W 87th Street
Overland Park, KS 66212


At The North Star Academy, our mission is to make a meaningful difference by assisting individuals and the families who support them.  We are committed to individuals reaching fulfilled and independent lives through the acquisition and retention of skills in an enriched environment

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Enrollment Information

North Star Academy uses appropriate accommodations to provide full access to a general education curriculum through a program designed to stimulate intellectual curiosity, identify and use students’ strengths, and expand their knowledge. We optimize our students’ potential in all areas of development.

North Star Academy’s interdisciplinary team facilitates our students’ development of a stronger sense of self. Students become effective self-advocates as they learn to understand themselves and prepare for the future. North Star Academy is a community where individuals flourish, differences are accepted, and respect for students is valued. We address our students’ cognitive, academic, social, and emotional development to narrow the gap between potential and achievement.

Our goal is to have our students:

•  Develop essential academic skills and increase their fund of knowledge 
   along with their critical thinking skills

•  Develop age-appropriate social skills and behaviors

•  Build a strong sense of self

•  Become active learners who assume responsibility for their own learning

•  Understand and manage their disabilities

•  Become effective advocates for themselves

•  Discover their vocational interests and aptitudes

•  Enter the mainstream back in their home school district as they become ready

We seek to create a group of students in each class who will complement each other. We take into consideration age, sex, IQ range, language facility, management needs, reading and math levels, prior friendships, and personality traits. Related services of speech/language therapy, counseling, and occupational therapy are provided.

Although our students’ progress in a traditional classroom has been hindered by a variety of obstacles, they thrive in North Star Academy’s therapeutic learning environment. Most importantly, we provide a safe, structured environment while encouraging growth in social, emotional, and academic areas of development.

Please contact
 Stephanie Thorne, Ph.D., BCBA-D, LBA at 913-544-9573 or by email at: for any questions.